Friday, December 16, 2016

First Interview with Kristy Lohman-Killough

                                   Image result for kristy killoughKristy Lohman-Killough

Good evening. Today on the Traveling Activist with your host Zachery Ramos we have a special guest Mrs. Kristy Lohman -Killough. Today we will be discussing Feminism Past and Present.

Q.What was it that made you decide to be a Feminist?

A.Wasn't a decision more of a belief that women should be politically, economically and, socially equal to men.

Q.What have you personally done to try to get this message out to woman?

A.Through coaching, trying to get girls to realize that their sports are just as important as male sports. Teaching her students and, kids that she coaches they are not limited by gender.

Q. What Feminist Leaders have you looked up to?

A. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and, Susan B. Anthony because they were pushing for women's suffrage.

Q. Changes for woman past to now.

A. Gained the right to vote, have woman congressman and senators, making ‘gains’ economically, socially for the most part women are seen as equal but there is still those that have a misogynistic viewpoint. Men who think that woman should stay home be a maid basically. Take care of the kids, cook and clean while the husband goes out and works being the breadwinner.

Q. In your life what challenges have you faced being feminist?

A. Students making jokes about feminism, when you are trying to exert yourself and getting upset men sometimes saying, “Oh are you on your period or something”, trying to make it sound like it's a hormonal thing. Being a female athlete, asked if was gay, which goes towards that misogynistic view feminist being lesbian.

Q. What events in your life led you to side with the Feminist point of view?

A. Being raised in a household with three brothers and my father never treating us differently. Mother also never treated us differently, she was encouraging and always wanted me to reach my goals.

Q. Where do you stand on the abortion issue?

A. I believe that woman should have the right to choose what they do or do not do with there bodies. The government should not have the power to control what a woman can and can not do to there own body. People allow their morals to cloud or over shadow circumstances that might be harmful to a woman if they didn't have the right to choose.

Q. If you had a rule in government what would you say and do for the female population?

A. Making sure that woman have the right or the control of their own bodies. Have the right to exercise their voice. Continue on closing the wage gap.

In conclusion with today's interview with Feminist minded teacher/ mother/ coach/ student/ mentor Kristy Lohman-Killough we have learned a lot about Feminist views and what is currently going on in the Feminist community. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more one on one interviews.

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