Hello everyone, It's your favorite host Zachery Ramos on Traveling Activist and today we will be discussing Alzheimer's. This will be a reappearing topic on here to share and raise awareness of Alzheimer's to future generations and, people around the world. Today I will be sharing with you all research I have done on Student Mental Health, Part One, on my journey to learning more about a disease that people don't realize makes a person forget almost everything they ever lived through or family and friends that they once shared memories with. Today we will begin with the Student Mental Health Bill which helps us understand the student mind and how it is affected early in school life.
Student Mental Health Bill Part 1
The Student Mental Health Bill is a strongly debated topic amongst many schools do to the factor of cost and the topic of will this bill actually help students out with their mental health problems. Today I'm here to prove to many of you that this bill is important because there shall be more student counselors for those students to get help from and to keep them on the right path from doing something drastic like many do today. Now there are many reasons for why this bill is important but let me tell you three of the main ones that are going unnoticed by many in classrooms and from people in power that are debating on the passing of this bill
There are many major mental illnesses that students go through each year due to panicking or worrying about classes and grades that with the bill passing they can get that extra help to continue on and face life head on. Depression is the number one reason why college students drop out of school and is a huge gateway issue where if left untreated can lead to Addiction, Eating Disorders and even worse Suicide. Depression is a common but serious illness that leaves you feeling despondent and helpless, completely separated from the world around you. Hilary Gerdes & Brent Mallinckrodit stated in their research paper, Emotional, Social, and Academic Adjustment of College Students, that “Early studies focused on academic ability as a predictor of retention and typically found that academic performance no more than half of the variance in dropout decisions.” Clearly stating that Depression is a major factor of why many students academic abilities suffer tragically causing them to begin to fail their classes and eventually drop out.

People don't have the choice to have a mental illness or not, so it's our job as a community to help students get through it not feeling alone the main parts of the brain the mental illnesses occur is in the amygdala, Prefrontal Cortex, Anterior Cingulate Cortex and the Hippocampus. The Amygdala is in charge of our body's natural “fight or flight” response and the most common mental illnesses are anxiety and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). The Prefrontal Cortex is in charge of our brain's executive decision making and this part of the brain is usually affected when people get ADHD and PTSD. The Anterior Cingulate Cortex is in charge of managing emotions and motivation, when damaged or brain activity is lower than normal the mental illness such as depression, ADHD, and schizophrenia.Then the hippocampus is in charge of memory and if damages can cause mood disorders such as bipolar disorder. As you can see it is not just one form of mental illness. Everyone is different so college campuses should have facilities they help their individual needs.
Mental health is something that we should all believe is of great importance because it improves the quality of life. Mental health strengthens and supports our ability to
•Have healthy relationships in a society with others.
•Making good life choices and sticking to them to help others.
•Maintaining physical health and well-being.
•The ability to handle the natural ups and downs that come at is in life.
Mental Health treatment can also reduce mental cost. Studies have shown that people who suffer anxiety disorders after getting successful psychological treatment, the number of medical visits dropped by 90%, laboratory cost decreased by 50%, and overall treatment cost dropped 35%. By helping the students early with their mental illness I believe that we can help them on saving money and keeping them in college without worrying about running out of funds for their classes and supplies creating one less problem for students to have to worry about. If we pass this bill more students can get treatment and college campuses will have a higher treatment success rate do to more one on one time with counsellors instead of higher dropout rates which help the campuses as well on campus ratings and have more students want to go to these campuses knowing that when they're faced with a problem there are people they can go to.
Thomas R. Insel American Neuroscientist & psychiatrist |
In mental illness in society by Caroline C. Doebbling, M.D. She states, "In fact, four of the 10 leading causes of disability among people age 5 and older are mental health disorders with depression being the number one of all illnesses that cause disability." Thomas Insel States in his Ted talk that suicide is also a major condition in society with 38,000 suicides each year in the United States which means One every 15 minutes. The third most common cause of death among people between the ages of 15 and 25. Showing that the mental health of the population doesn't affect the society of individuals with mental disorders due to the showing that this is a leading cause of disability in a major benefactor of suicide.
Asking we should be spending money on students mental health is like asking why should we care that Lil Billy is sad all the time or why is Sally not eating a lot or even better why did Derek jump off the bridge. We should spend money on our student's mental health because without them we have no future doctors, scientist, engineers without them we have no future in general. I'm not saying we should spend trillions of dollars on this I'm saying to you as a fellow student myself that we should spend money on this because what if your son or daughter needed help but they weren't getting it at school. Wouldn't you want someone to help them like how so many students now are trying so hard to get but sadly only find it in some white powder they put up their nose or at the end of the barrel of a gun they bought to stop the pain? We can't think about money here we need to think about the people that this bill is going to help.
Like I said in the beginning, I'm going to show you why the Student Mental Health Bill is important for students. These students are America's future at being great again we just need to put our time and effort in helping them see that because once they graduate they're already going to have a hard time trying to find work the least we can do is help them with their depression and anxiety by getting them to counsellors who will help them stay in school. Help the future be a better one. I shared with you all this because this is the first step in my theory for helping Alzheimer's patients before they even develop this disease. If we can reach the youth when they are young and, minds still developing we can teach them that by training the temporal lobe (memory portion of the brain) can help resolve stress as well as less chance of having the disease at old age.
Stay tuned for Part Two of this five-part piece on Alzheimer's and Mental Health where we will continue to learn more about this disease and, ways of trying to prevent it from happening or slow it down. Thank you all, hope you enjoyed the read and, keep coming back for more great reads with your host Zachery Ramos on your favorite blog Traveling Activist. Stay safe and, always remember you can be anything you set your mind to as long as your hearts in it.
Works Cited
"Brain Basics." NIMH RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.
"Mental Illness in Society." Merck Manuals Consumer Version. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.
"Useful Psychology Information: Importance of Mental Health." Importance of Mental Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.
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